This is the only photo we appear in, and R was too busy trying to keep the dog under control and stay dry to take any, so it will have to do! Also features Alison and Tess.
Having trained through the summer and run a half marathon in September, I wanted to find a couple of races before Christmas to give me some motivation to maintain the fitness base I have achieved. As the weather turns colder and wetter an incentive is definitely needed.
Luckily some of the girls that I do running club at Sweaty Betty with were keen to carry on running slightly longer distances too, and so four of us signed up. To be honest I didn't do too much specific training, just keeping my weekly long runs at about 10 miles, and trying to do some speed work where possible.
The advantage of this race distance is that I had no expectations as to time, since it is slightly odd distance. No one else had a particular aim either, and in the end three of us ran the whole thing together.
Pre-race I ate a muffin (gluten-free) with peanut butter and a banana. I also had half a Clif bar about 40 mins before the race started. This seemed to work pretty well.
The weather was miserable, and poor R and Gus the puppy got soaked as they cheered us on. We did appreciate the regular offer of jelly babies though as we made our way around the three laps. Not the most exciting race ever, but we finished in 1:24, which works out almost exactly as 9 minute miles. If I can keep that up for the marathon I'll finish in four hours!
Luckily some of the girls that I do running club at Sweaty Betty with were keen to carry on running slightly longer distances too, and so four of us signed up. To be honest I didn't do too much specific training, just keeping my weekly long runs at about 10 miles, and trying to do some speed work where possible.
The advantage of this race distance is that I had no expectations as to time, since it is slightly odd distance. No one else had a particular aim either, and in the end three of us ran the whole thing together.
Pre-race I ate a muffin (gluten-free) with peanut butter and a banana. I also had half a Clif bar about 40 mins before the race started. This seemed to work pretty well.
The weather was miserable, and poor R and Gus the puppy got soaked as they cheered us on. We did appreciate the regular offer of jelly babies though as we made our way around the three laps. Not the most exciting race ever, but we finished in 1:24, which works out almost exactly as 9 minute miles. If I can keep that up for the marathon I'll finish in four hours!
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