Thursday, 14 April 2011

Marathon Expo

So in order to pick up your number you have to go the Expo, which is out at the Excel centre in Docklands. The process was pretty straightforward, although I did get half way to the train station this morning before I realised I had forgotten my registration letter.

So here is the number I will be wearing on Sunday. I am in pen 5, although I don't really know what that means. I'm not even sure how many pens there are!

There were then lots of stands selling running gear etc. I had a wander around, but didn't really need to buy anything. I got a prize from Nike for running more than 26.2 miles in the month (I beat the target by more than 120 miles!). It was just a couple of wristbands and a packet of 'sports beans', but came in quite a nice box. I did buy a bargain running top, the same as one I already have and like.

The goody bag contained a can of London Pride and a Mars Bar, so Richard is happy since I can eat either of those!

I also saw the MSRC people as they had a stand, and I signed their wall. I'm looking forward to seeing them all at the end.

I'm feeling pretty good really. I'm carbo-loading and drinking lots of water. I have also worn flat shoes all week, and have been trying to stay off my feet. I ran on Tuesday, went to yoga last night, and will do a very short run on Saturday just to get everything moving. I just want to get on and run it now really!

Motivational quote of the day: Pain is temporary, quitting is forever.

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